Cine Y Desarollo Humano Sostenible (CYDUS)

Cine Y Desarollo Humano Sostenible (CYDUS)

Cine Y Desarollo Humano Sostenible (CYDUS)

Lead applicant: ONG JOSAFRICA de Guinea Ecuatorial (Jóvenes Solidarios con África De Guinea Ecuatorial)
Partners: Asociación Cultura Bubi Castilla La Mancha
Implementation: Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Project code: 02-005

Cydus aims to address the lack of training facilities in the cultural industries sector in general and the film sector in particular in Equatorial Guinea. It sets up the first "workshop-school" for audiovisual creations and productions, in the field of film production and other audiovisual genres such as television series and documentaries. The film industry sector in Equatorial Guinea is an emerging and promising sector, which has the capacity to provide a development opportunity to many young people and adolescents for whom the sector is of great interest. Through the implementation of the project, they will be able to pursue a professional career and obtain employment in this sector. 

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