The FILMAC Awards celebrate creativity and filmmaking talent in Central Africa

On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the winners of the FILMAC Award for film and documentary production in Central Africa were announced at an online event.

The FILMAC awards were conceived during the FILMAC 1 Seminar (Yaoundé, April-May 2022), co-organized by two ACP-UE Culture-funded programs: Clap ACP (dedicated to South-South co-production) and Créer en Afrique Centrale - CAC (dedicated to fostering ICC in the Central Africa region) - based on an idea from Dr. Dieudonné ALAKA, who passed away in January 2023, a producer of several films supported by Clap ACP, and promoter of the Yaoundé Film Lab, one of the first 5 labs supported by the CAC Program. The awards attracted submissions of 26 projects from 9 labs (See list of candidates and jury membres. Avilable in French).

This remarkable call showcased a diversity of narratives and approaches, reflecting the richness and diversity of filmmaking talent in the region. The awards, totaling €200,000, were distributed across 8 categories, celebrating the creativity and dedication of filmmakers in the film industry.

Enrico Chiesa from OIF presented the award ceremony accompanied by the jury, representatives from collaborating entities of the awards, and partners of the FILMAC Seminar, including Mercedes Giovinazzo on behalf of the CAC consortium and Kasia Olive Fodjou from the Filmac Association, emphasizing the significance of this unprecedented initiative in boosting film and audiovisual production in the region.
The list of winners by category and the prize amounts are as follows:

  • Filmac Award - ACP-UE Francophonie for Best South-South Co-production: POUR TOI JE REVIENDRAI by Cyrielle RAINGOU (Cameroon) - €80,000
  • Filmac Award - Casablanca Film Lab for Post-Production Scholarship: LES BILOKOS by Erickey BAHATY (DRC) - €50,000
  • Filmac Award - French Institute of Cameroon for Best Cameroonian Project: SOBAJO by Cyrille MASSO and Daniel MINLA (Cameroon) - €30,000
  • Filmac Award - Francophonie for Best Francophone Feature Film: UN MONDE TITANIC by Philibert MBABAZI SHARANGABO (Rwanda) - €15,000
  • Filmac Award - Canal+ International: PURGATOIRE by Junior ASSANI (DRC) - €10,000
  • Filmac Award - Canal+ International: VOUNDOU (Tristesse) by Emmanuella LALANGA (CAR) - €5,000
  • Filmac Award - Francophonie for Best Short Film: COEURS INCONNUS (Ela e Ele) by Daiana RICARDO (Sao Tome and Principe) - €5,000
  • Filmac Award - Goethe Institute of Cameroon: AU NOM DU PERE ET DU FILS by Amadou Bouna GOUAZONG (Cameroon) - €5,000

The awarded works are a testament to the creative potential and strength of the film industry in Central Africa.

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